Barriers and Challenges in SMBG


Dr Rajeev Chawla, New Delhi    31 January 2018

  1. status, culture and language capabilities, less awareness and practice of self-care.
  2. The clinician factors that may influence the management of diabetes include the following: Beliefs and attitude of clinicians; knowledge about self-management of diabetes for their patients; effective communication skills may impact the perception of patients; well-integrated healthcare system; perception on regulatory aspects of devices. Identifying barriers to diabetes management is essential to improve the quality of diabetes care, metabolic control and diabetes self-management.
  3. Benefits of SMBG: It helps formulate antidiabetic drug regimens and optimize existing regimens; if performed with adequate frequency, it indicates the magnitude of glycemic variability; it facilitates improved HbA1c levels; it helps alert patients and physicians to the risk of diabetes complications, even in patients with controlled HbA1c levels; it helps recognize hypoglycemic and hyperglycemic episodes; it helps improve QoL of patients; it helps patients to adhere to lifestyle and drug prescriptions.

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